Pelaksanaan Pengembangan Motorik Kasar Anak Usia Dini di Taman Kanak-kanak Harapan Pangian Lintau Buo
Pengembangan Motorik Kasar, Anak Usia DiniAbstract
Penelitian ini bertujuan guna mendeskripsikan tentang pelaksanaan pengembangan motorik kasar anak usia dini. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah ialah penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualiatatif. Tenik pengumpulan data penelitian melalui observasi dilakukan sebelum pelaksanaan wawancara serta dokumentasi dalam penelitian. Selanjutnya data dikumpulkan untuk direduksi, disajikan, hingga dilakukan verifikasi terhadap data yang didapatkan. Sedangkan teknik keabsahan data menggunakan triangulasi. Penelitian ini memuat perencanaan kegiatan pengembangan motorik kasar anak usia dini berpedoman pada tema, sub tema dan indikator yang dirancang sebelum ajaran baru. Pelaksanaan kegiatan di sentra olah tubuh kegiatanya mencari gambar benda-benda langit, mengelompokkan bendera sambil berlari dan melompat, berjalan di atas papan titian serta perlombaan bakiak. Evaluasi kegiatan pengembangan motorik kasar anak dilakukan melalui penilaian proses observasi, daftar ceklis, dan catatan anekdot.
Kata Kunci: Pengembangan Motorik Kasar, Anak Usia Dini
This study aims to describe abaout implementation of gross motor development in early childhood. The type of research used is descriptive research with a qualitative approach. Research data colecction techniques through observation, interviews, and dicumentation. Data analysis was performed by collecting data, dara reduction, data presentation and verification. While the data validity technique used triangulation. This activities for early childhood based on the themes, sub themes anf indicators that were designed before the new teaching. The implementation of activities at the sports center includes looking for pictures of celestial objects, gruping flags while running and jumping, walking on footpaths and competing clongs. Evaluation of children’s gross motor development activities is carried out through assessment of the observation process, cheklists, and anecdotal notes.
Keywords: Gross Motor Development, Early Childhood
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