Peran Keluarga untuk Mencegah Penularan TB Paru dalam Keluarga Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Gajah Demak


  • Indah Puspitasari Universitas Muhammadiyah Kudus
  • Ana Zumrotun Nisak Stikes Muhammadiyah Kudus
  • Yayuk Mundriyastutik Stikes Telogorejo



According to the health profile of Demak, the number of TB in Gajah
health center ranks 6th out of 20 places. Total cases is 924 sufferes, with the
number of BTA+ patients as a whole as many as 516 patients. In doing disease
prevention efforts not only be done by the client itself or health workers alone but
also play a role, so it takes the role of family to prevent the occurrence of
transmission of pulmonary TB disease in the working area of Gajah Health Center
Demak District. This research uses qualitative method with case study approach.
The purpose of this research is to knowing deeply the five roles of family in
knowing, deciding, taking care, modifying environment and utilizing health
facility to prevent transmission of pulmonary TB disease in working area of Gajah
Health Center of  Demak Regency.

From the results of this study, most of the informants did not know about
the understanding of TB disease but, in general the role of the family to prevent
transmission of pulmonary TB was good enough, although it was still not optimal
because, there were still a number of efforts to prevent TB transmission that were
not done by the family. For example, families do not understand the duties and
functions of PMO, do not separate the use of eating utensils with patients
pulmonary TB, and do not pay attention to the importance of reminding people
with  pulmonary TB when coughing.  Suggestion of this  research  result for
Puskesmas Gajah of Demak Regency in order to add and modify program of
Lung TB prevention. In addition to regular monitoring or regular home visits to
monitor the treatment and prevention of TB transmission done by the family at


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How to Cite

Puspitasari, I., Nisak, A. Z., & Mundriyastutik, Y. (2021). Peran Keluarga untuk Mencegah Penularan TB Paru dalam Keluarga Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Gajah Demak. Indonesian Journal of Nursing Research (IJNR), 4(2), 81–90.


