Gambaran Determinan Remaja Gay


  • Siti Musyarofah Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Kendal
  • Rodhiyatun Chasanah



Various independent domestic and foreign survey institutions mentioned that in
Indonesia there are 3% of LGBT people out of the total population. The rise of
LGBT phenomena in Indonesia is closely related to the trends of liberal countries
that provide recognition and a place for LGBT communities in society. LGBT is
considered a part of the modern life style of society which regards the view of
heterosexuality as conservative and does not apply to everyone. This study is to
determined the determinants of what makes adolescents into gay groups.
Descriptive survey type research design. The sampling technique of snowball
sampling, and the research respondents were 2 people. Retrieving data by indepth interview. The results showed that the determinants of gay adolescents were psychological factors, environmental factors, and economic factors. Suggestions from this research are that adolescents are expected to use their time for activities and positive things for their development, parents must give attention and affection and equip religious knowledge, and moral education to children, the government is expected to expand employment opportunities for the community


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How to Cite

Musyarofah, S., & Chasanah, R. (2019). Gambaran Determinan Remaja Gay. Indonesian Journal of Nursing Research (IJNR), 2(1).


