Manfaat Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) sebagai intervensi keperawatan dalam meningkatkan Quality of Life (QOL) wanita kanker payudara yang menjalani kemoterapi


  • Anastasia Diah Larasati
  • Anggorowati Anggorowati
  • Andrew Johan



Based on epidemiological data, the incidence recorded globally by the
International Agency for Research On Cancer (IARC) in 2012, as many as 43.3
women had breast cancer. The patient will undergoing chemotherapy and
experience various disturbing symptoms. Various complaints can affect QOL.
One of the therapies recommended by the journal Oncology Nursing is the
therapy of Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR).
Objective: To find out the benefits of PMR as one of the nursing interventions in
dealing with the quality of life for women Ca. Mammae is undergoing
The method used in this paper is a review literature study. Databases used in
source search are CINAHL, PubMed, Science Direct, and Medline. The criterion
of inclusion in literature search is the year of article publishing starting in 2010
until 2018, and the English full article. Search keywords are Progressive Muscle
Relaxation, breast cancer, quality of life and chemotherapy. Literature analysis
uses PICOT (Population, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome, and Time).
Based on the analysis found 5 themes, namely the quality of life characteristics
of patients undergoing chemotherapy, PMR as a relaxation therapy, PMR as a
psychological stress reduction intervention, PMR as an intervention to increase
muscle metabolism, and PMR as a pain reduction intervention.
Patients who undergoing chemotherapy will experience a decrease in QOL. PMR
is a recommended intervention to improve patient QOL.


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How to Cite

Larasati, A. D., Anggorowati, A., & Johan, A. (2019). Manfaat Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) sebagai intervensi keperawatan dalam meningkatkan Quality of Life (QOL) wanita kanker payudara yang menjalani kemoterapi. Indonesian Journal of Nursing Research (IJNR), 2(1).


