Skrining Fitokimia Dan Penetapan Kadar Flavonoid Total Serta Fenolik Total Ekstrak Daun Insulin (Tithonia diversifolia) Dengan Maserasi Menggunakan Pelarut Etanol 96 %


  • Melati Aprilliana Ramadhani Ngudi Waluyo University
  • Anita Kumala Hati Ngudi Waluyo University
  • Novel Fibriani Lukitasari Ngudi Waluyo University
  • Armin Hari Jusman Ngudi Waluyo University




Daun insulin (Tithonia diversifolia) secara empiris digunakan oleh masyarakat Indonesia untuk menurunkan kadar gula darah. Senyawa aktif dalam ekstrak etanol daun insulin yang diprediksi memiliki aktivitas penurunan kadar gula darah adalah senyawa flavonoid dan fenolik. Ekstraksi dengan metode maserasi diharapkan dapat menjaga flavonoid dan fenolik dari kerusakan akibat pemanasan. Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui metabolit sekunder dan kadar flavonoid total serta fenolik total dalam ekstrak etanol 96% daun Insulin (Tithonia diversifolia) yang diekstraksi dengan metode maserasi. Penelitian ini merupakan eksperimental laboratorium untuk skrining fitokimia dan menetapkan kadar flavonoid total serta fenolik total daun insulin (Tithonia diversifolia) dengan metode maserasi. Kadar flavonoid dan kadar fenolik ditetapkan menggunakan metode spektrofotometri visible. Flavonoid ditetapkan kadarnya berdasarkan pembentukan senyawa kompleks aluminium klorida, dengan standar baku kuersetin. Kadar fenolik ditetapkan berdasarkan pembentukan senyawa kompleks momolibdenum-tungsten, dengan standar baku asam galat. Hasil penelitian adalah skrining fitokimia ekstrak daun insulin menunjukkan bahwa daun insulin mengandung senyawa flavonoid, alkaloid, saponin, tanin dan fenolik. Kadar flavonoid dalam ekstrak etanol 96% daun insulin (Tithonia diversifolia) yang diperoleh metode ekstraksi maserasi adalah sebesar 90,58 mgEQ/gram ekstrak dan kadar fenolik sebesar 67,41 mgEAG/gram ekstrak. Kadar Flavonoid total dalam ekstrak etanol 96% daun Insulin lebih tinggi daripada kadar Fenolik total.

Kata kunci : Tithonia diversifolia, Flavonoid, Fenolik, Maserasi

Insulin leaf (Tithonia diversifolia) is empirically used by Indonesian people to reduce blood sugar levels. The active compounds in the ethanol extract of insulin leaves which are predicted to have decreased blood sugar levels are flavonoids and phenolic compounds. Extraction using maceration method is expected to be able to protect Flavonoids and Phenolics from heating damage. The study was conducted to find out the secondary metabolites, anda determine total flavonoid and total phenolic levels in ethanol 96% extract of Insulin (Tithonia diversifolia) leaves extracted by maceration method. This research is an experimental laboratory to phytochemical screening, and determine the levels of total flavonoids and total phenolic of insulin leaves (Tithonia diversifolia) by maceration method. Flavonoid levels and phenolic levels were determined using visible spectrophotometry methods. Flavonoid levels are determined based on the formation of aluminum chloride complex compounds, with the standard of quercetin. Phenolic levels are determined based on the formation of the compound momolybdenum-tungsten complex, with gallic acid standard. The result of this research are phytochemical screening of insulin leaf extracts shows that insulin leaves contain flavonoid, alkaloid, saponin, tannin, and phenolic. The results showed average concentration of flavonoids in the extract are 90,58 mgQE/ gram extract and  concentration of phenolic 67,41 mgGAE/ gram extract.nTotal flavonoid levels in ethanol extract 96% of Insulin leaves are higher than total phenolic levels.

Keywords : Tithonia diversifolia, Flavonoid, Phenolic, Maceration



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