Analisis Makna Kata Hana dan Bunga Sebagai Polisemi (Kajian Linguistik Kognitif)


  • Rosalina Wahyu Riani Universitas Ngudi Waluyo





Cognitive linguistics views that the meaning of a word, especially in polysemi, does
not just appear, but there is something that motivates and lies behind it. To describe
the relationship between meanings in polysemy can be done through language style.
Categorization and comparing activities can occur in the form of metaphorical, metonymy,
and synchronic forms. The word 'flower' in Indonesian with ana hana ’in Japanese has
almost the same meaning and function. This study aims to determine the meaning of the
word flower and hana seen from the perspective of cognitive linguistics. This study uses
a qualitative descriptive method by taking data from various sources. The results of this
study are 1) in general the meaning of the word "flower" is something beautiful, calming
the heart, pleasing to the eye, pleasant to hear, fragrant smell; 2) in general the meaning
of the word "hana" is a beautiful woman; Wreaths; flower picture card game; colorful,
striking, brilliant, beautiful.

Keywords: cognitive linguistics, polisemi, hana, bunga

Author Biography

Rosalina Wahyu Riani, Universitas Ngudi Waluyo

Department of Japanese Literature, Faculty of Law and Humaniora


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