
  • Ainul Yaqin Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Islamic Centre



Grammatical Errors, Narrative Text, Writing Skills


This study aims to analyze the common errors that students made in writing Narrative Text. This study  was  made in November of their first semester. In getting data, the writer used descriptive analysis and purposive sampling to determine the subject of samtple. This study is undertaken at Islamic Education Major of Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam (STAI) Islamic Centre Demak in the  first semester of the academic years of 2023/2024. The participants of the study were three students of Islamic Education Major of STAI IC Demak. The findings indicate that Word Form (13,25%), Word Choice (6,20%), Verb Tense (32,55%), Add/ Omit Word (12,04%), Spelling (7,22), Punctuation (7,22%), Capitalization (13,25%), Article (6,63%), Singular-Plural (3,61%), Word Order (1,20%), Incomplete Sentence (2,40%), Meaning Not Clear (6,02%), Run-on Sentence (5,61%).  So, this study states that the most students’ error types are verb tense because of Intralingual Transfer and Overgeneralization.   


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