Penerapan Model Picture and Picture dalam Pembelajaran Keterampilan Menulis Teks Persuasif pada Siswa Kelas VIII SMP NU 6 Kedungsuren Tahun Pelajaran 2018/2019


  • Nunung Khusnun Naim Universitas PGRI Semarang



baseline, graphology, size, spacing between words, zone


This paper aims to describe more detailed information about the relationship of
handwriting and the human brain is very close to handwriting can be used as one tool to
study the human character. The study used a documentation in the form of photocopy
of several application letter of job. The data already obtained in the previous stage is then
analyzed. The process of this analysis is done by comparing handwriting with reference
graphology books. The data that have been analyzed further presented the results in the
report in the form of a complete description descriptively related to graphology analysis
in the writing of job application letter in PT. Holi Karya Sakti Grobogan district. The
results show that conclusions as follows (1) Comparative handwriting test with reference
graphology book allows users to know the characters they have. (2) This comparison test
makes it easy for users to get information related to human characters from handwriting,
as well as to provide some graphological insight.

Author Biography

Nunung Khusnun Naim, Universitas PGRI Semarang

Department of Indonesian Language Education and Literature


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