Analisis Kontrastivitas Mengenai Tense dan Aspek Bahasa Jepang dengan Bahasa Indonesia pada Majalah マイマイマガジン VOL .2 Edisi Oktober 2013 sampai Maret 2014


  • Sulhiyah Sulhiyah Universitas Borobudur



contrastive analysis, tense, aspects, Japanese


Contrastive linguistics (対 象 言語 学 ish taishou-gengogaku ’) which is also called
comparative linguistics is a linguistic study that is intended to describe two different
languages. Contrastive verbs are verbs that are derived from verbs to contras. Contranstive
Analysis (Anakon) is an activity that attempts to compare the structure of language
(B1) and structure of language (B2) to facilitate language differences. The purpose of
contrastive linguistic study is to fnd out the form of contrastive analysis of tenses (Kala)
and aspects of Japanese with Indonesian. In this study, the authors used a qualitative
description which the translation was carried out using words or sentences that ft the
research categories to obtain conclusions. The results showed that there are many markers
of aspects and several tenses in Japanese, but in this study, only modality markers were
discussed which discussed the aspects of perfective, continuous aspects, and resultative
aspects. In certain contexts, researchers can still be confused about the marking aspects
of ~te as there are various aspects that can use these markers.

Author Biography

Sulhiyah Sulhiyah, Universitas Borobudur

Department of japanese


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