Penyebab Terjadinya Pergaulan Bebas di Kalangan Remaja
Adolescence is a period of transition from one stage to the next and undergoes changes in the form of changes in emotions, physical, interests, behavior patterns, and is full of problems faced. Free association is a friendly behavior that is not bound by all kinds of norms that apply in society and includes a form of negative behavior. Promiscuity occurs in adolescents caused by several factors. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that cause promiscuity in adolescents. The research method used in this study is a literature review. Article searches were conducted on Google Scholar and Pubmed with the keywords Causes of promiscuity among teenagers, and Teenage Promiscuity. The selected articles are Indonesian and English articles published from 2012 to 2020 as many as 11 articles that can be accessed in full text in pdf format. The results showed that the factors causing promiscuity include cultural shifts. lack of parental attention, less harmonious family environment, family and adolescent education, peers, social media, low self-control and self-awareness, lack of religious values, poor lifestyle, thought and feeling factors, personal references, resources and culture, risk behavior trends, socioeconomic status.
Remaja adalah masa peralihan dari satu tahap ke tahap berikutnya dan mengalami perubahan berupa perubahan emosi, fisik, minat, pola perilaku, serta penuh dengan masalah yang dihadapi. Pergaulan bebas merupakan suatu perilaku pertemanan yang tidak terikat oleh segala macam norma yang berlaku di masyarakat dan termasuk suatu bentuk perilaku negatif. Pergaulan bebas terjadi pada remaja disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor
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