
  • Syamira Yazid Universitas Negeri Semarang
  • Thohiriyah Universitas Negeri Semarang


loss, stages of grieving, self acceptance


This study delves into the intricate and emotionally charged exploration of grief and acceptance in Michelle Zauner's literary work, "Crying in H Mart." The narrative revolves around Zauner's deeply personal journey through loss, primarily centred around the death of her mother. Zauner's narrative unfolds in a series of stages, each marked by its own set of emotions and self-acceptance. The analysis of the literary work involves library research and close-reading approaches. Furthermore, the article contextualises Zauner's literary work within the broader discourse on grief literature, drawing connections to existing theories on grieving and psychological adaptation. The result of the analysis shows that after grieving, people will go through several stages which involve forgiving oneself, connecting with loved ones, and moving on

Author Biography

Thohiriyah, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Thohiriyah teaches at the English Literature Study Program, Faculty of Languages and Arts, Universitas Negeri Semarang. Her interests include literary and translation studies. She has experience teaching both literary subjects and translation practice. Besides, she also facilitate a distance learning through ICT-based learning. She had experience facilitating Indonesian MOOC initiated by the U.S. Embassy in Indonesia.


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