About the Journal

  1. Nama Jurnal: Indonesian Journal of Pharmacy and Natural Product
  2. Singkatan: IJPNP
  3. Frekuensi: Maret & September
  4. ISSN: Print 2656-3215 | Online 2615-6903
  5. Editor in Chief: Melati Apriliana Ramadhani
  6. DOI: 10.35473/ijpnp
  7. Akreditasi : Sinta 5
  8. Penerbit: Universitas Ngudi Waluyo Program Studi Farmasi

Indonesian Journal of Pharmacy and Natural Product [P-ISSN 2656-3215 | E-ISSN 2615-6903 is aimed as promoting principled approach to research on pharmacy that covers a broad range of topics engaging a good relationship in theoretical and practical.


Current Issue

Vol. 8 No. 01 (2025): Indonesian Journal of Pharmacy and Natural Product
Published: 2025-03-23


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